Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas countdown: 2 weeks!!!

there is a stinkbug in my ceiling light. and it's buzzing and jumping around in there. i keep feeling like it's going to fall through the ceiling onto my head, even though the light is on the other side of my office (which makes it sound like a big office, but i assure you, it's really not).

so, i realized today that i have 2 weeks until Christmas. that's 2 weeks to make the following gifts:
  • 13 hats/scarves for my customer service co-workers (in lieu of doing the Pollyanna, which would have been much easier).
  • 6 baskets of homemade raspberry jam (already done and cooling from last night!) and bread (yet to be made) for our extended families (1 per family).
  • 5 or so miscellaneous tea cozies (to fit on the mugs i got from the thrift store at 5 cents each! and then some peppermint tea bags and hot chocolate packets from redner's to go with the mugs.)
oi. i mean, the tea cozies take a half-hour each (maybe less), and the hats take about an hour each... i'm not being fussy about the scarves either: simply knit, no extra fancy stuff. (maybe next year?)

1 comment:

  1. That's how it always happens for me, too. I always think of great things to make people, but then never give myself enough time.
    Best wishes to you! Maybe you should start making as many as you can and just give them to your favorites instead. ;)
