Friday, September 18, 2009


fridays are usually slow days in the office. it's understandable - people would rather procrastinate their work until monday, thus giving themselves a kind of extended weekend. slacking on fridays seems to be a nation-wide thing, because even our west coast line stops ringing around 4. from this i conclude that the work week mentally ends at lunch on friday. we may be here in body, but that doesn't mean we're actually doing anything.

when customer service is having a slow day (and sometimes when we're busy), we get to back up the mailroom. one of our CSR's counted 19 envelopes that had the wrong address but somehow got to us. one of them put the town and the state/zip on two different lines... i thought they taught you how to address an envelope in second grade. seriously, i googled it.

also, as a follow up to the snake story: one look outside proved our theory wrong. there are no tree branches overhanging the building, and so it couldn't have dropped from a tree branch onto the roof. it was quickly decided that an eagle must have picked up the snake to eat it, but since the snake was so slithery, it wriggled out of the eagle's talons and fell onto the roof of our building. so, at least part of the original story is definitely true. anyway, here is our retarded snake:

by the way, last night's episode of The Office (entitled "Gossip") was AWESOME. i took the idea and ran with it, spreading a rumor that the Pam in our office is pregnant, and it got picked up that our Jim Halpert called one of the CSR's stupid. by the end of the day, he was racist.

and Pam really is pregnant. but we knew that. 

so it's really like The Office.


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