Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jay-Z, the snake, and the office premiere

it was a busy enough day that i spent most of my day answering calls like a rep. it was nostalgic and a lot less intense than being the supervisor. i liked it. interesting things happen when you talk to nearly 50 people in a day.

today, i asked a caller for their first name. she said it was Jay-Z. i didn't even bother to clarify. i typed "Jay-Z" into my call log and let it make my morning. MLIA

random office situation: there was a snake found in the office. it was a little garden snake, and we took it outside at once, but i've been trying to figure out how it even got in the building, let alone into one of the perimeter offices... here is our theory, as told by trish:
it was originally in a tree, minding its own business, when a strong wind blew it onto the ceiling of our building. it found a hole, slithered into the darkness, and found its way into the building's heating and cooling system. when it found a little patch of light in the floor, it tried to go toward the light but ended up falling through the vent in the ceiling of one of the offices, hid under the desk until the next day, and when all the lights were on, it tried to escape. but the escape attempt was thwarted by the tall blonde lady who threw it out the back door and back into the woods - i mean, the evolve environment.
ok, so it wasn't a bat, and it didn't bite anybody and give them rabies, but it's darn close enough! too bad i didn't get a picture.

office premiere countdown: 3 hours! w00t!

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