as i was walking back from the printer today, i noticed that our cozy little customer service department as grown a Purell hand sanitizer dispenser. it's attached to the wall on one end of the room. now, i may not be the most observant person in the world, but i would swear that i have never seen it there before! my co-worker even pointed out another dispenser attached to a wall randomly sitting in the hallway near reception... we also have one in the kitchen by the sink, and by the door to the bathroom, and by the back door (i.e., the smokers' door). that's FIVE hand sanitizers, beside the little stick-it-in-your-purse ones that every other person has at their desk. are we really that dirty? i mean, we work at an office! what are people doing on their way back from the printer that they need to pass two hand sanitizer dispensers? (also, as a warning, they dispense a lot of that stuff, so be careful.)
incidentally, my manager and i were having a conversation about hand sanitizer a couple weeks ago in which we both agreed that kids were made to get dirty, not be bathed in anti-bacterial stuff every 5 minutes. this senitment was repeated to Bob in Accounting (no, really, he exists), who retorted, "yeah, but kids are also made to wash their hands."
and that's all i have to say about that.
funny quote of the day: "The ozone is a myth." - Dale in IT (aka Jim Halpert)
and a retraction: last night was not the season premiere of So You Think You Can Dance. it was just a highlights show from the last 5 years. i guess to bring people up to date since they're going from a summer show to prime time. my bad. the real season premiere is next wednesday. w00t!
yes.. the morning crew got to decide where to PUT the hand sanitizer that Bob from Accounting so kindly brought to us. my suggestion of between the office doors was shot down.