Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hump day

so you think you can dance season 6 premiere is tonight. i've found that finding things to look forward to really helps break up the monotony.

also most of today wasn't even spent doing my job. it was spend doing data entry/paperwork stuff... my boredom + my Acheiver-ness = finding something to do, even if it is equally as boring as my real job. (btw, yes, i know my top 5 strengths: acheiver, connectedness, input, belief, empathy. how do i know these so well? they stare at me, hanging from my office door's handle. that's right, they're printed on a door hanger. i think maybe one day i'll take a picture and post it here to give you the right idea.) but if i make a game of the data entry (how fast can i type out this information?), it's not so bad. and really, it's been slow enough the last 2 days that i can take breaks when my eyes hurt too badly.

speaking of hurting, today's office drama: one of the Customer Service Reps realized her peanut allergy today and spent some time doubled over in tummy pain in the kitchen. i was on lunch at the time, so i ran over to the local pharmacy (aka the Administrative Department) and got some Rolaids. One of our wonderful Claims people offered her saltines, and our HR lady said that an old Lithuanian woman told her to sip on warm lemon water for an upset stomach. i just love how our family comes together when someone is in need. so, yay for the office!

funny office moment of the day: i had let our temporary receptionist borrow my Staples "easy" button for the week. the President of the Company was coming out of a meeting and hit it! (it's probably only funny if you know her. or if the president of your company is a very intimidating woman.)


  1. LOL!!! Abby you crack me up! This is PERFECT!!! and Nita hitting the "easy" button... thats great! LOL

  2. i'm so glad i became part of your blog ;)
