Wednesday, November 4, 2009

more bathroom encounters

story #1: earlier today, i went to the bathroom. (actually, i went to the bathroom a lot today, because i've been drinking a ton of water, because i'm sick. but maybe that's tmi. forgive me, i'm on ibuprophen at the moment, and i think it's making me just a bit loopy. but this is about one specific trip -- to the bathroom, not a drug reference. ok, back to the story.)

on my way to the bathroom, i noticed a woman walking from the opposite end of the corridor toward me. (the ladies' room is about halfway between the two far ends of the hallway.) she was listening to an iPod, which i thought was strange, since usually only young people listen to their iPods all the time, even on trips to the restroom.

anyway, i went in to the bathroom, and when i came back out (after washing my hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds to prevent swine flu), i saw the same woman walking toward the bathroom, listening to her iPod, only she was about 5 feet closer to the bathroom than when i had gone into it.

oh my goodness, i seriously thought i had time warped, that the door to the bathroom must have been some kind of portal to a wormhole and when i walked back out through the door, it spit me back into our dimension but 5 seconds of time had gone by instead of a few minutes! then i noticed that she was walking up and down the corridor. it must have been her lunch or something. but it was a gorgeous day out today, and i would have been doing that outside if i was her. but i'm not. and i don't have an iPod.

story #2: co-worker trish told me this story after she came back from the bathroom about half an hour ago. she walked out to the ladies' room. as she approached the door, one of the cleaning guys (the one she says looks like the red stapler guy from Office Space) came out of the very same women's restroom. not holding anything, no trash in hand, nothing. maybe he just likes the aroma of the citrus air freshener in there or something.

anyway, trish chose her stall and sat down. then she heard the door open again, and then there was a thud. a mop head slid under the little door, invaded her stall, stopped, and then retreated. the door opened and closed, and when she left the bathroom (after washing her hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds while singing "happy birthday" to herself twice to prevent swine flu), the cleaning guy had disappeared.

word of the day is still vicarious.

i'm not going to the finer things club tonight, due to a micommunication with my darling husband about plans. oh well. it's ok, i wasn't too into Atonement anyway. so,
currently reading: Connecting by Larry Crabb

tonight's world series game, i will be voting for the phillies.


  1. what you didn't know, my dear.. is that your club was cancelled for the evening! maybe you know that now. i only know it because i'm a facebook stalker. OR, i wrote on your wall and so did somebody in your club- telling you it was cancelled. canceled. how do you spell that word?
    ... you didn't miss it de todas maneras.

  2. yes, i realized it was cancelled when i came home and thane told me! (he's a closet facebook stalker in denial.)

    cancelled can be spelled with one or two Ls. i prefer "cancelled" because it just looks more balanced. but canceled works, too.
