Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pretzel Day!

this monday, march 1 is pretzel day in our office complex! i am not making this up. and everybody is looking forward to it.

i'm kind of excited, because we have a new CSR starting on monday, and this makes us look like an awesome company. so, it's kind of cool, because it really is like an initiation! hmmm...

in patterning my office after The Office, the following things need to happen on Pretzel Day:

  • keep a log of what the manager does all day.
  • the manager needs to do a Bill Cosby impression. (i think we can pull this off)
  • the manager needs to get hyped up on sugar after eating his soft pretzel with every possible topping. (this will be more difficult. for one thing, he's on a diet. and also, they probably won't offer different toppings.)
  • someone steals someone else's chair.
  • we bring to new girl to the Schrute beet farm for some interrogation/training and wrestling their cousin Mose. (highly improbable)
  • new girl eggs a building (again, highly improbable)
ok, so 50% of this stuff is actually doable! hooray! i'll give a review of our Pretzel Day next week.

The Office quotes of the day:

Pam Beesly:Once a year they bring in a little cart and they give away free pretzels. It's really not a big deal. [pause] To some people it is.

Stanley:364 days... 'til the next Pretzel Day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the day after a holiday

the day after a holiday is always really, really busy here in customer service. for those of you who ever want to call a customer service/call center, please don't do it on the day after a holiday. you'd just be thinking like everybody else, and you don't want to be like the herd, do you? you want to be unique, so you should really call at a random time like 9:12 or 2:45. please please please don't call at 4:30. everybody does that. or even worse, 4:55. and then have a huge issue you want to resolve right now. it's not cool. and it just might land you on the naughty list.

also, i looked up "President's Day" on Google. i hadn't realized it used to be called "Washington's Birthday." hm.

quote of the day:
"i'll keep an eye out for that fax and call you if there's any issue with it."
"well good, 'cause we're poor over here!"
(how does a person respond to that?)

song of the day: "battlefield" by jordin sparks.
i don't know. it's been in my head since i heard it in home depot the other day, and today really felt like a battlefield. i think that's reason enough.

Friday, February 12, 2010


the company was closed on wednesday due to the massive blizzard that came through on tuesday night and lasted all of wednesday. =D the snow had stopped by thursday, but my parking lot was a game of bumper cars just waiting to happen. my husband didn't let me go to work. so i took my first vacation day of the year. i'm ok with that. i've worked three days this week and have had 3 weekends in 10 days! monday is a holiday... i forget if President's Day is for a certain president, or past presidents, or the current president. oh well.

also, sunday is valentine's day!! Customer Service had a little V-Day celebration (as much as was possible in a terribly busy day because of all the catch-up work). last night was a Valentine's Day episode of The Office. well, it was an episode of The Office that acknowledged Valentine's Day. close enough. although, i wish they had played out Jim as the manager for at least another episode or two... so much tension, it would have been awesome!

office quote of the day: "a spinning brain is a working brain."

word of the day: pacifically
  • pacific - relating to or bordering the Pacific Ocean; "Pacific islands"
  • pacific - disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature; "the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force"; "a quiet and peaceable person"; "in a peaceable and orderly manner"
  • pacific - the largest ocean in the world
  • pacific - promoting peace; "the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

how being born is kinda like a hangover

i don't drink. i don't like the taste of alcohol, and every time i try it, i remember how much i don't like it. my husband is allergic to it, so that just drives the nail into the coffin of my would-be drinking habit.

so, it kind of goes without saying that i've never been drunk. but i guess it should be said. apparently, i'm in the minority, but i'm banking on that. because it will make my new theory all the more hilarious. are you ready?

here it is: being born is like a hangover.
(remember, i've never experienced a hangover, and i've never really seen a hangover first-hand, so this is entirely put together from movies and co-workers' stories. feel free to comment and/or tag yourselves.)

where is this coming from? and what does it have to do with the office? well, today pregnant lady #2 had her bouncing baby boy today! and boy does the picture say a few things. maybe not a thousand words, but here's what it told me: "man, why are the lights so bright? and why is everybody so loud? i hate this! i feel like crap, and i look like it, too. and all i want to do it go back to sleep!"

so, am i right? does that sound like a hangover? because bouncing baby boy is actually not bouncing at all. he looks angry.

anyway, i miss my friend. we're both seniors in our department and we've seen a lot of crazy stuff. and thus, the inspiration for the office quote of the day:

Oscar: Pam and Jim are on their honeymoon, so there's not the usual balance between sane and others. Toby has mentally checked out since June. It's a very dangerous time. The coalition for reason is extremely weak.

NEW episode of The Office on tonight!! and i must admit, i did chuckle when i read this on Twitter from @theofficenbc: #TheOffice is back! Don't miss tonight's ALL NEW episode "Sabre" - yes, we really mean all new - at 9/8c!