Thursday, January 21, 2010

so many crazy people in the world!!

some of my favorite quotes from emails or calls that happened today:

  • "five minutes ago i could see, but now i'm blind."
  • "ok, but is it lupus?"
  • "crack -- you know, it's a drug?"
  • "ok, please explain to me how a chair caused your abdominal pain that made you go to the ER..."
and here's a fun conversation:

rep: "i can't just sit in silence while you think of a question. it's tying up the line. can you call back when you think of something?"  
caller: "ok, you don't like silence?" *starts singing* (and it sounds an awful lot like the Little Mermaid -- "ahh aahhh")
rep after the call: "the little mermaid gave me contractions!"

yesterday's song of the day: "if you want to be happy for the rest of your life" by jimmy soul
we had tons of fun yesterday trying to figure out the lyrics before some brilliant person Googled them.

i did have a song of the day for today, but now i can't think of it because of that catchy song about marrying ugly women... any help? it might have been the "chicken noodle soup" song we discovered today. apparently, there's a dance. 

in other news, The Office comes back on tonight! i can't wait. i'm inviting a ton of people over, i'm going to be knitting the Gryffindor scarf i've been working on, and i'm going to take notes for tomorrow's blog! ok, maybe not the last one.

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