Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a few fun stories to share

yesterday, a certain someone was eating a buffalo chicken sandwich, somehow got buffalo sauce on his finger, and then rubbed his eye. of course, the sauce got into his eye and started burning. fortunately, there was a bottle of water nearby. it still burned well into the afternoon. and i'm still chuckling about it.

this morning, someone's 2 button was stuck. (ironically, this person had an issue with that same button on the vending machine last week. if you're reading this and you know what that means, please comment! according to wikipedia, according to a Chinese saying, "Good things comes in pairs." when the IT guy entered 222222222 as an ID number, it brought up a person named "Purple Monster." well, technically, it said, "Monster, Purple." of course, it was a test file for something and not a real person. anyway, we enjoyed that this morning, grateful for the fact that someone in IT had a good sense of humor. i added notes: "ONE-EYED, ONE-HORNED. FLIES. LIKES TO EAT PEOPLE." and someone else made a note that said the mother called and was so upset she breathed fire through the phone. ok, maybe someone was a little excited and went off into a world of fantasy, but we were having fun.

today, i'm going to send a fax to someone from their future selves. this is funny because they've already sent it to themselves. yeah, that will be my extracurricular activity for the day.

Office quote of the day: "If you're lying to me, right now, Pam, your baby is gonna come out a liar." - Michael Scott

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