Tuesday, September 22, 2009

sugar highs and lows

today, customer service had the best spread of autumn-themed desserts i have ever seen, complete with leave decorations and orange paper plates. if i was smart, i would have brought my camera to take a picture and post it here. but i was not thinking about pictures this morning. i'll remember to bring my camera for our next smorgasbord.

this morning, everybody was wired on coffee with pumpkin spice creamer, apple crisp, apple bread, shoo-fly pie, pecan pie, munchkins from dunkin donuts, mini-muffins, chocolate chip cake...

we all got hyped up on sugar... and then sugar crashed around lunch time. i took my lunch at 2:30 and almost fell asleep. even now, i'm very tempted to close the door to my office, turn out the lights, and nap until time to go. too bad i have this thing called a conscience.

MLIA of the day: I left the Philippines on Monday at 10 pm. I arrived in California on Monday at 8 pm. It was an 11 hour flight. I can now cross "time-traveled" off of my list of things to do before I die. MLIA.

because i've totally done this! my mom is from the philippines, and my family visited for a month during christmas/new year's of 2006/2007, right before i got married. it was awesome! and it ties into this entry because i have a filipino cousin named Sugar.

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