Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the day after a holiday

the day after a holiday is always really, really busy here in customer service. for those of you who ever want to call a customer service/call center, please don't do it on the day after a holiday. you'd just be thinking like everybody else, and you don't want to be like the herd, do you? you want to be unique, so you should really call at a random time like 9:12 or 2:45. please please please don't call at 4:30. everybody does that. or even worse, 4:55. and then have a huge issue you want to resolve right now. it's not cool. and it just might land you on the naughty list.

also, i looked up "President's Day" on Google. i hadn't realized it used to be called "Washington's Birthday." hm.

quote of the day:
"i'll keep an eye out for that fax and call you if there's any issue with it."
"well good, 'cause we're poor over here!"
(how does a person respond to that?)

song of the day: "battlefield" by jordin sparks.
i don't know. it's been in my head since i heard it in home depot the other day, and today really felt like a battlefield. i think that's reason enough.

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