Monday, September 20, 2010

moving on... ?

thoughts... what is a good reason to leave a job? and is there a difference in needing/wanting to leave a position and needing/wanting to leave a company? and what is the difference between good reasons and good excuses? hmmm...

i finally caved to the reality of this "economical crisis" when i realized that i've been working with the same people for 2 years. usually, the turnover in my customer service department is 1 year, and sometimes, it's higher than that. so the fact that people aren't leaving doesn't mean that they love the job; it just means that they can't get out. fact. so, even though we're stuck here, are there any good reasons we should all leave when the job market picks back up? i'm sure we'll see a mass exodus of antsy 20somethings such as myself from their current workplaces into other jobs. kind of like musical chairs. but musical companies. i hope they actually play music. that would be awesome.

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